Staging a concert is no small thing to organise. Let's assume you already have these two things sorted out. Now, to make your night (or day) special you're going to need a few extras to help your musicians put on a good show. This is going to include a PA, lighting, a back line and, depending on the size of the concert, technicians and whatever the band wants of you. But let's rewind and go through different audio visual production a band would need one by one.
1. PA, short for public address system, a PA is your basic sound amplification device. It will also be used to play any music you may have whilst the band isn't playing.
2. Back line. This refers to the instruments used by the band. When there's more than one band playing, often one band will supply some or all of the instruments. If they're a reasonably large band, they'll probably have their own instruments with them.
3. Lighting and visual, a band may or may not have a visual element to their performance, but you must always assume that lighting is necessary when organising a concert. Basic stage lighting,such as led par lights, led beam moving head , are all that is really necessary, but if your budget is large enough, try to make it spectacular.
4. Technicians. There are hidden people behind every concert. Depending on the size of the band, they may have their own technicians or "roadies" to help them set up their equipment and operate the PA. Always find this out because you may need to outsource.