
The Office Resources You Will Ever Need


Energy saving Smart Troffer in classroom



"Now I have the opportunity to create a positive, comfortable working environment for my employees, users and partners," she said in our return interview.


Amanda | One of The Senior Partners at The Firm


The office is no longer just a place of work. Modern offices generally have meeting areas, office areas, leisure areas and so on. The flexible way of working has new requirements for the modern office and the lighting required within.


The most appropriate lighting is an indispensable element of creating a comfortable and productive office environment for employees. Human Centric lighting is the best way to achieve a healthy light environment, with appropriate hues and reaction to natural and ambient light, has been shown to boost productivity by 12%.



Morstar control light system
This is critical, given that the average office employee spends approximately 90% of their day indoors. The human body relies upon the circadian rhythm, an instinct based on the natural light that tells us when to sleep and when to be awake, and constant exposure to artificial illumination has a counteractive effect.


For that reason, more and more office lighting system have embraced smart lighting, and in doing so, enabled a more comfortable environment for employees. Smart lighting boosts productivity, creates a functional and welcoming atmosphere.
It also offers many possibilities to give a beautiful aesthetic to any workspace with a vast range of design features that can be programmed to perform any number of tasks and scenarios as needed. To take a simple example, when meeting in a conference room, Lights can be dimmed to ensure that glare against this screen is minimized, retaining attendees’ comfort.





Amanda is the a senior partner in a firm in a borough of a major metropolitan area. Her firm was in the middle of an economic boom, when staff needed to be in shape and there were a lot of visitors coming and going.  She faced a problem that many managers face--


  • Temporarily empty aisle always fully open on;
  • When employees work overtime, the lighting will be turned on excessively;
  • Different meeting rooms do not know to occupy and lead to low work efficiency;
  • When natural lighting is abundant, long and bright indoor light causes energy waste.



Now Amanda has installed Morstar's lighting control system.  "Now I have the opportunity to create a positive, comfortable working environment for my employees, users and partners," she said in our return interview.





intelligent workplace solution Optimum energy savings are achieved when combining daylight harvesting with presence control. Energy savings in such a scenario are typically between 40 % and 60 %. For this function, it needs to be combined with Morstar adjustable color temperature luminaires. Morstar's sensors provide presence information and lux level allowing implementation of this functionality without any additional cost. Amanda was pleased because her smart office linear high bay lighting system was using a daylight harvesting sensor to minimize energy consumption and to give her employees a comfortable work experience.




Microwave motion sensor control light Different usage scenarios of a room might require different lighting scenarios to create a specific effect or ambiance. A simple example is a meeting room, where during a typical meeting, all lights must be on, while during a presentation, lights must be dimmed down with the lights near the screen switched off. Amanda can comfortably configure multiple scenes by adjusting the dimness of the light and the color of each lamp or group of lamps in a room through custom scene mode. Once defined, the scene can be manually controlled via any Of The Morstar's apps or automatically recalled via scheduling.




Intelligent light saving power Since Amanda is not able to physically be everywhere at once, she needs a way to monitor how each rooms is being utilized. Using the Morstar’s software reduce power consumption, she creates a heatmap and the current heat distribution of each space can be counted in real time to assist users in energy conservation control. Her control system generates robust data showing her which spaces are currently in use and historical data of which spaces are most and least utilized. It can also provide effective data support for Amanda's decision space deployment by statistical historical occupancy data and comparison data.




If you want to change your work environment, please get in touch with us!


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